Jacob Tener

Welcome to my portfolio! I am currently a freelance web developer with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering. This page will be used to show off some of the projects I've done! This was built using custom HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap v4.5

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Web Projects

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Word Racer

This site is a fun Type Racer game that uses fetch api to grab words from random-word-api.herokuapp.com and checks on each keystroke to see if words match before displaying a new word. This app is mostly client side javascript. May load slowly on free hosting.

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MTG Search

This app uses Fetch Api to search api.magicthegathering.io for Magic: The Gathering cards matching by name. This was fun since MTG is a big hobby of mine. Styling the results and displaying a gif during long query times are my highlights from the project. May load slowly on free hosting.

Find a Card »


React To-Do List

This app makes get and post requests to https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos and renders the todos into components. The addToDo component updates the ToDoList component with an additional ToDoItem containing the entered fields. Data does not persist, but components do update in real time.

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Class Projects

FPGA Sound Classifier

Senior Design Project - Top 5 Projects in Class

This project was done in a team of 5. I handled the software of the project, while my peers focused on hardware. The project proposal stated that we needed to design a batteryless FPGA performing some type of computation. At the time I was very interested in neural networks, so I proposed that we compute sound classification. Thanks to python's helpful libraries, I was able to handle it on my own. This was achieved through sampling a sound input, calculating its Mel Frequency Cepstral Co-efficients, and running those against the saved model to infer which classification the sound was closest to (from 10 distinct trained classifications).

Find more info about this in my blog here

Adventurous Art

Android App - Top Project out of 200 groups

This was a 14 week project done by three friends and I. The App is essentially a finger painting instagram. A user can log on and create a new drawing, trace a famous drawing, remix a friends drawing, or just browse one of their feeds. A user has a public feed and a friends feed of all the people they've decided to follow. My favorite feature is that you can hold your thumb on a drawing and it will be re-created infront of your eyes, stroke by stroke.

For this project I was the server side dev, and my three peers worked client side. I used Java and its handy SpringBoot framework to develop a REST api for our client-side team to send requests to. I also managed our MySQL tables and their relations. In addition to these things, this was my first real exposure to using GIT in teams.

Find more pictures of the app in my blog here


Android App

This was a 10 week project done between myself and a partner. I again developed server side, but this time I chose to use Javascript and Node.js to serve responses to the client. In addition to this, I developed some on the client side in android studio.

This app connected to google maps api as well as our personal api to run its map function, which displayed night time hotspots for any given location. In addition to this, we stored personal notes on each location for a user to record their experience at a venue.

This image shows the home screen right after log in. It drops a blue dot and a pin at the user's location and then pins the hotspots within a 5 mile radius.